Zone Learning

Be a creator


zones that let you launch a startup from ground up


home to the top university-based incubator in the world
The DMZ, according to UBI Global.


startups incubated in 2019


jobs created by startups in Toronto Metropolitan University’s zones

Toronto Metropolitan University’s unique Zone Learning programs let you immerse yourself in new projects and companies at the start. Through workshops, bootcamps, mentorship, you will be able to make the most of exciting grants, awards and competitions.

Collaborate across disciplines to create social change, contribute to a big idea or even launch your own startup. By graduation, you could be creating jobs rather than competing for them.

BMZ Logo

Biomedical Zone

Biomedical and health-care ventures
CEZ Logo

Clean Energy Zone

Clean, sustainable energy innovation
DFZ Logo

Design Fabrication Zone

Spatial ideas, design learning and 3D production
DMZ Logo


Incubator for tech startups
Fashion Zone Logo

Fashion Zone

Fashion-inspired business and innovation
iBoost Logo

iBoost Zone

Customer-centric, problem-solving technologies
LIZ Logo

Legal Innovation Zone

Solutions and technologies to improve legal services and the justice system
SDZ logo

Science Discovery Zone

Research, development and problem-solving in the sciences
SVZ logo

Social Ventures Zone

Creation of positive and viable social change
TMZ Logo

Transmedia Zone

Academic and personal support to help you reach your goals